It’s Easy…


Step One

Register for free HERE! and upload any data you want to protect and preserve for your loved ones, and set your list of approved recipients.

Your recipients will receive a personalized message and dedicated access keys, but they will not be able to access your data until the time is right.


Step Two

Set up your custom LifeCheck intervals, which will periodically check on your presence to ensure your information is secure while you’re still here. Your information will be protected and secure until it's time to pass it on.

The LifeCheck operates with three levels of checks to evaluate your well-being. The system will try to reach you through email (or text message if you provide your mobile number) at regularly scheduled intervals that can be customized. If there is no reply to these three checks, the system will presume that you cannot access the website and will categorize you as "deceased".


Step Three

When LifeCheck verifies that you are no longer with us, it triggers an automatic process of secure data delivery to your approved recipients in just a few steps.

Your designated recipients receive an email or SMS message reporting their ability to access your data.


Step Four

Your digital files are decrypted and made available to your approved recipients.

Any data left behind is digitally destroyed.

Your loved ones and heirs are taken care of without worry

It’s Really That Simple. Ready to Get Started?