Settling Digital Legacy Disputes With Family and Friends

Resolve digital legacy disputes with family & friends. Learn how to prevent conflicts over assets after you pass away. Subscribe to Will Box Now!

Settling Digital Legacy Disputes With Family and Friends You have spent years curating photos, sharing updates, and building connections on social media and it would be a shame for all that to disappear after you pass away. But have you ever thought about the disputes that might arise between family and friends over access to those accounts?

Your social media profiles, email, and cloud storage contain a lifetime of memories and information, so, understandably, your loved ones may feel a sense of ownership or entitlement over them. However, without proper planning, this can lead to tense confrontations and hurt feelings during an already difficult.

In this post, we will explore common digital legacy disputes and provide reactive and proactive measures to resolve or prevent such conflicts.

What is A Digital Legacy? #

A digital legacy refers to all the online accounts and digital assets you acquire and accumulate over your lifetime. Your digital legacy can include social media posts, blogs, emails, and cryptocurrency accounts.

When you pass away, these accounts and everything in them become part of your digital estate. Unfortunately, many people don’t make proper plans for their digital legacy before it’s too late. This can lead to confusion and conflict among family and friends over how to handle your online accounts and assets.

Common Areas of Disputes Over Digital Legacies #

Access to Accounts and Passwords #

One of the biggest areas of disputes is access to online accounts. When someone passes away, their friends and family may not have login info to important accounts like social media, email, cloud storage, and more. Trying to access accounts to tie up loose ends or save cherished memories can lead to legal issues and family conflicts.

Control and Ownership of Accounts #

Passwords and 2-factor authentication are common roadblocks. Family members should discuss account access before it’s too late and keep records of logins in a safe place. Some platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter allow you to designate a “legacy contract’’ to access your account if you pass away. Taking advantage of these options in advance can help avoid disputes down the road.

Digital Asset Inheritance #

The fate of digital assets like photos, videos, domains, and blogs is another area of dispute. Your family members may disagree on whether to keep accounts active, memorialize them, or delete them. It’s a good idea to specify your wishes in your digital will to guide your loved ones.

Family members may argue over who inherits smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronics- as well as the data they contain. Be clear about which devices you want to go to whom.

Digital Revenue #

Revenue from accounts like blogs, YouTube channels, and websites can be a source of conflict. If your accounts generate income, determine how those funds should be distributed to beneficiaries or used to cover final expenses.

Establishing Clear Plans to Prevent Disputes #

One of the best ways to prevent disputes among friends and family after you are gone is to establish an elaborate plan for your digital assets. Putting your wishes in writing removes ambiguity and gives your loved ones guidance on how to handle your accounts and information.

Share Account Access Details #

Create a list of all your online accounts and passwords, then determine who should have access to each one. Share login info with those individuals now so they understand your preferences. You may want to give full access to close family members but restrict distant relatives or friends. Share details on a need-to-know basis.

Name Digital Executors #

Appoint one or more people as “digital executors’’ who will be responsible for closing accounts and carrying out your final wishes. Explain how they should handle each of your assets like social media profiles, email newsletters, and websites. Be as specific as possible in your instructions.

Plan for Social Media and Websites #

Decide if you want your social media accounts and websites to remain active, memorialized, or deleted after you pass. Inform your digital executors and account holders of your choice. Facebook, for example, allows you to choose a legacy contact to manage your profile after death. Select a trusted friend or family member for this role.

Set Formal Plans in Writing #

Create written instructions for how you want your digital assets handled. Explain things like which accounts should be deleted, which data or profiles should be preserved, and who should receive any remaining assets. Having your final wishes in official documentation, like a will, trust, or letter of instruction, provides clear direction for your digital executor and helps prevent disputes.

Update Legal Documents #

Update important legal documents like your will, trust, and power of attorney to include specifics on your digital assets and accounts. These legally binding documents will help prevent disputes and ensure your final wishes are honored.

Planning for your digital legacy and being transparent with family and friends about your wants and needs can help bring you peace of mind. Take time now to make your preferences known so your memory lives on in the way you intend even after you are gone or incapacitated.

Tips for Dividing Digital Assets Fairly #

Deciding who should inherit your digital assets after you are gone can be tricky. Emotions may run high and it’s easy for disputes to arise over things like social media accounts, online photos, and other digital property. However, with open communication and fairness in mind, you can navigate this process smoothly.

Have an Honest Conversation #

Sit down together and openly discuss each person’s connection to the digital accounts in question. Share memories and express how certain profiles or images make you feel. This can help provide context for each other and allow you to approach the division from a place of understanding.

Consider Each Person’s Relationship to the Accounts #

Think about who created the accounts and how active each person was in contributing to or engaging with them. For example, you may decide to give primary ownership of a shared social media profile to the person who posted and managed the most content.

Divide Equally Whenever Possible #

For accounts containing shared memories like photos, try to split them evenly if you can. Offer to share digital files so each person has a copy, or consider making joint ownership of certain accounts an option. This approach helps ensure the memories stay alive and accessible for everyone.

Compromise When Needed #

Be willing to listen to each other and find compromises. You may not get exactly what you want but try to distribute digital assets in a way that feels fair and equitable for your situation. Some accounts may need to be closed or deleted if an agreement can’t be reached.

Using Mediation to Resolve Disputes #

Family disputes over digital assets are common, but mediation can help resolve them. Mediation involves sitting down with a neutral third party to discuss the issues, clarify any misunderstandings, and come to an agreement.

Rather than an all-or-nothing winner-take-all approach, mediation focuses on compromise and finding a solution that works for everyone. The mediator helps facilitate the discussion, keeps things civil, and guides everyone towards areas of agreement. They can also suggest options the parties may not have considered on their own.

Some steps to take for digital legacy mediation include:

  • Decide who should be involved in the mediation. This may include account heirs, executors, and any family members with a stake in the dispute.
  • Provide any documentation on the digital accounts and assets in question ahead of time. This could include account passwords, statements, terms of service, and the account owner’s known wishes.
  • Go into the mediation with an open mind. Be willing to listen to other perspectives and consider alternative solutions. Focus on interests, not positions.
  • Discuss each digital asset and account separately. Try to determine what the primary goals and priorities are for each one. Consider options like sharing access, closing accounts, or transferring ownership.
  • Don’t feel pressured into an agreement you’re uncomfortable with. You can always ask to revisit the discussion in the future. Some progress is better than none.
  • Get any agreements in writing to avoid future misunderstandings or disputes. This includes specifying how ownership, access, and responsibilities will be handled for each digital asset or account.

Litigation As a Last Resort #

Going to court over digital legacy issues should be the last line of defense. Lawsuits can be extremely time-consuming, stressful, and expensive. They can irreparably damage relationships and escalate tensions even further.

However, if all else has failed and critical issues remain unresolved, litigation may be the only option left. You will need to file a lawsuit in civil court, go through a series of hearings and motions then ultimately take the case to trial. The judge or jury will then make a ruling to decide the outcome.

Whatever path you end up taking, approach it with patience, empathy, and wisdom. Compromise and understanding, not escalation, are most likely to lead to a just and harmonious resolution for your digital legacy disputes. Staying calm and seeking common ground can help salvage relationships, even amid conflict. With time and effort, you can walk through challenging issues together.

Finding Closure and Moving Forward #

Now that you have worked through the challenging conversations it’s time to find closure and start moving forward. This may be easier said than done, but focusing on self-care and giving yourself space to heal will help shift your mindset to a more positive one.

  • Take some time for yourself to rest and recharge. Do small things each day that boost your mood like exercising, and pursuing a hobby. Making your well-being a priority will help you gain perspective.
  • Forgive yourself and others. Holding on to resentment and anger will only make you feel worse in the long run. Forgiveness is for you, not the other person. Choose to forgive so you can find inner peace.
  • Look for lessons and insights you have gained and how they can help grow as a person.

While digital legacy disputes often get messy, you have the power to rise above the turmoil. Make self-care a priority, work on forgiveness, look for the bright spots, set new goals, and find a support network.

Seek Digital Legacy Services from #

By being proactive and planning with open communication and legal documents like wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, you can avoid common disputes over digital assets that arise when someone passes away.

Rather than leaving your loved ones fighting through a legal battle, consider using a digital legacy service like This platform allows you to plan how your digital assets and accounts should be handled after you’re gone.

By designating a digital executor and providing instructions for each of your accounts, aims to avoid confusion and conflict. Your executor will be able to carry out your final wishes to memorialize, delete, or distribute your digital assets as you intended.

Don’t leave your digital fortune to chance- start planning with today.

Our service #

At, we provide a complete digital estate planning service that helps you organize and manage your digital assets, so they can be accessed and transferred by your loved ones after you pass away or become incapacitated. Our service includes creating a digital inventory, determining who will have access, providing instructions on how to manage your assets, and securely storing your digital estate plan.

Subscribe to our service today, and gain peace of mind that your legacy will be protected.