Digital Legacy for Artists and Content Creators | Will Box

Discover how artists and content creators can effectively manage royalties in the digital age. Gain insights on safeguarding your creative legacy with

Digital Legacy for Artists and Content Creators | Will Box You have spent years honing your craft as an artist or content creator, put your heart and soul into your work, and are finally starting to gain traction and success. But have you considered what will happen to your digital legacy and intellectual property after you're gone? If not, it's time to get your affairs in order.

As an artist, your creations are your livelihood and legacy. You need to ensure your copyrights, royalties, and revenues are protected for your heirs and beneficiaries. At the same time, you want to retain as much creative control over your work as possible, even after death. It may seem abnormal, but establishing a solid digital estate plan is one of the best gifts you can give to your loved ones and your art.

This guide will walk you through the critical steps to managing your copyrights, setting up royalty streams, and creating a digital legacy that will live on.

Digital Legacy for Creators #

Your digital life, creative works, and intellectual properties make up your legacy as an artist and creator. Putting in the necessary work to register, organize, document, and plan what happens to your assets after you are gone will provide security and peace of mind that your voice and vision will live on for generations.
Here are critical steps to consider:

1. Register Your Works #

Register creations such as songs, books, photos, or films with the appropriate copyright office, such as the U.S. Copyright Office. Registration establishes a public record of your work and provides legal benefits should your work ever be infringed upon. Registering within three months of publishing is advisable to qualify statutory damages and attorney's fees in case of infringement.

2. Set up Beneficiaries #

Decide who you want to inherit your intellectual property and royalties. This could be family members, an organization, or a charity. Meet with a digital estate planner to draft legal documents to establish your beneficiaries formally. These may include a will, trust, or assignment of intellectual property rights. Review and update these documents regularly to account for any changes.

3. Choose a Digital Asset Manager #

Appoint a digital asset manager to oversee your online accounts and digital properties after you are gone. Provide them login info and permissions to access and manage accounts where your work is published.
A digital asset manager can maintain your online presence, monitor for copyright infringement, collect royalties, and distribute funds to your beneficiaries according to your wishes.

4. Educate Your Beneficiaries #

Take time to teach your beneficiaries about your work and business. Explain how copyrights, royalties, and accounts function so they understand how to manage them properly in your absence. Provide login credentials, passwords, and legal documents to access your digital and intellectual properties. By educating them now, you ensure your legacy and their financial well-being for years.

Importance of Planning Your Digital Legacy #

Your online presence and creative works are valuable assets you have spent years building, so protecting them and ensuring they live on even after you're gone should be a priority. Here are some of the benefits of establishing a digital legacy plan.

1. Copyrighting Your Work is Straightforward #

Registering your creative works with the U.S. Copyright Office or a similar agency in your country establishes your legal claim as the creator. This makes taking action against copyright infringement easier and allows you to license your work to others formally. You should copyright albums, films, books, images, or any other materials as soon as they're in a "fixed" or finished form.

2. You Can Easily Manage Your Online Accounts #

Creating a digital estate plan allows you to manage all the accounts where your work is hosted. You should review your social media profiles, website logins, email accounts, and other digital services to do this. Make a list of each, the URL, username, and password. Provide this information to your digital executor and store it in a secure password manager.

Enable two-factor authentication on accounts whenever possible for added security. With a plan, you can delete or memorialize inactive profiles and accounts you no longer use to avoid confusion.

3. Monetizing and Distributing Your Work Becomes Easier #

You can use a digital estate plan to establish ways to generate revenue from your creative works during your lifetime and beyond. You can sell or license physical works, offer digital downloads and subscriptions, sell tickets to live events, crowdfund new projects, and more. Set up the means to continue distributing and monetizing your work after you have gone through platforms that offer these capabilities. Your digital executor can manage your accounts and ensure your creative legacy lives on.

Appointing a Digital Executor, You Can Trust #

Appointing a trusted digital executor is critical to ensure your creative works are appropriately managed after you leave. This person will be responsible for essential tasks like:

  • Administering your social media accounts and profiles
  • Renewing website domains and hosting
  • Managing copyrights and royalties for your creative works
  • Overseeing memorial pages for tribute sites

Choosing someone tech-savvy and detail-oriented is critical. A close friend or family member who understands your creative work and shares your values can be a good option. However, it is advisable to consider the help of a professional digital executor to avoid putting strain on your loved ones during an emotional time. They have the expertise to efficiently handle the legal and technical aspects of shutting down or memorializing your online presence.

Securing Your Copyrights and Royalties #

Your digital works are valuable intellectual property that provides income through royalties and licensing. To secure your rights and continue earning money from your creations, you must take steps to establish and maintain your copyrights.

1. Monitor for Infringement #

Regularly search the internet for unauthorized uses of your work. This includes scanning sites where your content is published or sold and general web searches. If you find infringement, take action by sending a formal takedown notice to have the content removed. You may need to address repeat offending through legal means to claim damages.

2. Renegotiate Licenses and Royalties #

As your popularity and success grow over time, the value of your work also increases. Revisit any existing licensing agreements with publishers, galleries, production companies, and other distributors to renegotiate the terms, especially the percentage of royalties or flat fees you receive.

3. Diversify Your Revenue Streams #

Relying solely on royalties and fees from a single source is risky. Explore additional ways to generate revenue from your creation through:

  • Merchandising like t-shirts, phone cases, or prints featuring your work
  • Patronage platforms where fans pay a subscription for exclusive content and perks.
  • Live events such as performances, speaking engagements, or teaching
  • Licensing your work for use in marketing campaigns, products, or other commercial applications
  • Crowdfunding campaigns to raise money from your supporters for new projects.

With proactive management of your rights and diverse income opportunities, you can build a sustainable career and continue profiting from your creative works for years to come. The key is taking control of your digital legacy.

Digital Asset Inventory: Catalog Your Online #

A digital asset inventory is essential for tracking all your online accounts, digital content, and intellectual property. As an artist or digital content creator, your work likely spans many platforms, apps, and services. Important details can slip through the cracks without an organized system to catalog them all.

1. Online Accounts #

List all the websites, apps, and services where you have an account, like YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, DevianArt, and SoundCloud. For each one, record your username, password, email associated with the account, and any other login information. This ensures you always have access to your accounts even if you forget a password or the company experiences issues.

2. Digital Content #

Document all the content you've uploaded or published to each platform. For videos, songs, photos, stories, or other media, note the title, file name, upload date, descriptions, tags, and details that could help identify your work. If possible, download copies of your content if a platform goes out of business or deletes your account.

3. Copyrights and Ownership #

For any published content, determine whether you own the full copyright or if the platform has certain licensing rights. Ensure you understand each service's terms of use and adequately assign copyright to yourself for original work. Record your inventory's copyright details, licensing agreements, and any revenue or royalty structures.

4. Revenue and Royalties #

If you monetize your content through ads, sponsorships, subscriptions, or other methods, catalog how payment works for each platform. Note payment schedules, earning rates, payment methods, and payout details. This ensures you have records of all income from your digital work.

Find Digital Legacy Services Tailored for Artists and Creators at #

When creating digital assets like music, videos, photos, or other media, it's essential to establish a plan for managing the copyrights and earning potential royalties from your work. At, we offer digital legacy services for content creators and artists.

For digital legacy planning, we offer the support you need to pass on the rights to your creative works to your heirs. We will work with your beneficiaries to continue protecting and monetizing your work even after you're gone. Get started today, and let us help you ensure your digital legacy will live on and continue delighting your fans even after you have logged off for the last time.

Our service #

At, we provide a complete digital estate planning service that helps you organize and manage your digital assets, so they can be accessed and transferred by your loved ones after you pass away or become incapacitated. Our service includes creating a digital inventory, determining who will have access, providing instructions on how to manage your assets, and securely storing your digital estate plan.

Subscribe to our service today, and gain peace of mind that your legacy will be protected.